Quick tips to keep your Greyhound happy this Bonfire Night...

23 October 2019

The 5th of November, along with festivals like Diwali,  is celebrated over many weekends and week days from mid-October often until mid-November which can cause considerable stress to pets who are anxious about fireworks and their owners who are witnessing this stress. There is a lot of help out there from clinical behaviourists who you can access via your veterinary surgeon, but this should be done well ahead of time, ideally in the spring and summer months to get good results ahead of the onset of firework season.

However, there are some simple steps you can take to help reduce the stress on your greyhound family. 

1. Walk, feed and let your greyhound out in the garden before darkness and fireworks are likely to start.

2. Close curtains and put the tv or radio on to muffle the noise, turn lights up in the house to make the flashes less noticeable.

3. Position your greyhounds bed away from windows in the centre of the house to give them a quieter sleeping area

4. Create some hiding places, behind the sofa, under the stairs or in the bathroom are common places. Place some bedding and their favourite toys in there so your greyhound is comfortable.

5. Try to act as normally as possible rather than fussing your greyhound.  They are experiencing high levels of stress so may react differently to normal. Try not to go out any evenings when you think fireworks are going to be particularly bad e.g weekend days and those with organised displays.

6. Let your greyhound out for a final wee as things quieten down, this is often later than you think. Accompany your greyhound in the garden or take them out on a lead. Ensure the collar isn’t going to be slipped if your greyhound panics.  If letting loose in the garden take the time to double check fencing in daylight in case your dog panics in your garden.

7. Make sure your microchip details are kept up-to-date. If a firework was to go off unexpectantly whilst your in the gardne and causes your greyhound to panic, it wouldn't take much for them escape. 

8. Consider a calming supplement such as Pet Remedy from the Greyhound Trust store to help naturally reduce stress levels.  Greyhound Trust store also offers Adaptil Collars.

If you are concerned about your dogs reaction to fireworks and you feel it is compromising their welfare speak to your veterinary surgeon for advice and consider a behaviourist ahead of next years firework season. 

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