Help us today

For Greyhounds, For Life
Every year the need for Greyhound Trust services outweighs our capacity. Help us to work together towards a world where every greyhound finds a safe, loving home in retirement.
Click on For Greyhounds, For Life above to help today
Donate To Us
Donate Online
Donating to us couldn't be easier, whether it is £5 or £500, your donation will be making a difference to the greyhounds in our care. For every £1 we spend, 87.5 pence is spent directly on the dogs, and the rest goes on supporting our volunteers to keep on finding homes for almost 4000 greyhounds a year. We couldn't do it without your help.
Go on - make a difference

Give a gift today
And let's help each and every greyhound find a forever home - one at a time
Be a Sponsor

Sponsor a greyhound
Because we will never put a healthy greyhound to sleep, we inevitably have some special hounds who are in our care for a very long time. Please sponsor one of these beautiful dogs and help us care for them and their friends!
Make a lasting difference

Leave your legacy
Leaving a gift in your Will is one of the best ways you can help the Greyhound Trust. Legacies are a vital part of our income and help us to care for future generations of greyhounds. Click here to find out how your gift will make a difference!
Give us a paw
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Greyhound Trust and we simply wouldn't be able to operate without them! Our branches are always on the lookout for people with all kinds of skills to help them. Whether it is walking our greyhounds, or helping at events, your time can make the difference to our greyhounds.
Treats from our shop
We have lots of goodies for sale in our online shop. From greyhound equipment to gifts for the discerning dog lover, there's something for everyone. All profits go to help our greyhounds!