Progress continues on the Greyhound Trust Homing & Support Centre
20 November 2019In April 2018, Chief Executive, Lisa Morris announced on behalf of the Trustees, the exciting plans for a new flagship national homing centre.
Jump to the present day, November 2019, and progress is continuing to make this vision into a reality. External walls and the roof of the kennels are now up, and internal structures are being put in. This project is on time to being ready to open by late Spring 2020. See the build progress below:
The high standard kennel block has been built with 30 kennels, enough to house 60 greyhounds at any one time. The build also features rooms that will help greyhounds as they transition from track to home including a ‘real life’ room which replicates a home with sounds and experiences of the senses which the greyhounds will come across in their retired life.
Greyhound Trust branches and volunteers remain integral to the Trust; the dedication that our volunteers show to the homing of retired racing greyhounds is immense and our new development will act as a supporting mechanism to the already well-embedded and vastly effective branch network.
More updates coming soon for our Greyhound Trust National Homing & Support Centre.